This is our story

Youth for Children is a remarkable non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young individuals to make a positive difference in the lives of children. At the heart of our mission is the belief that youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow, but also the driving force of change today.

As an organization, we focus on engaging and training young people as lay providers to enhance the capacity building of children in various critical areas. Our primary areas of focus include safeguarding and protection against abuse, climate change, gender-based violence (GBV), and other pressing issues affecting children worldwide.

One of our core initiatives involves educating and empowering youth to become advocates for better safeguarding and protection protocols for children. We provide comprehensive training programs, workshops, and resources that equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to identify signs of abuse, prevent harm, and support victims effectively.

Small changes with big difference

Through the youth, we are able to bridge the gap in access to information about key life concepts, the "You" in Youth for Children, signifies You. We're extending an invitation for you to get involved and influence the lives of our younger siblings. We believe that as a young person transitioning to adulthood, you possess tailor-made solutions to address the challenges these children face. Your unique experiences and diverse backgrounds can offer holistic solutions. We're choosing you because not long ago, you were a child yourself. The question is, if given the chance, what improvements would you make in your own childhood?

This is about YOU for THEM.


Meet the real world heroes

Co-Founder and CEO 

Tadayo Joy

Co-Founder and president

Stephen Okoth


Support our mission


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